Monthly Archives: December 2019

Wishing you peaceful holidays β„️

My sweetie Dave and I started sending custom Christmas cards to friends and family a few years ago.

It was fun, and I wanted to continue the tradition every year, but my plate was so full I let it go this year 😭

Instead, we sent cards to a handful of family and included a short updates about our 2019.

I know it’s not as fun as receiving a physical card, but I wanted to share them with you anyway πŸ₯°


2019 has been a big year for us. We’ve both gotten even busier, which is hard to believe sometimes.

Dave had a really full teaching schedule this year, which included adding a 2-week Permaculture design course in the Baltimore area. Turns out this was good, as one of the schools where Dave has been teaching decided not to run their program this year.

Other than that, Dave has been super busy with project management for the ecovillage we’re hoping to build. Our group has land under contract and the feasibility study has a lot of moving parts, so Dave is full steam ahead. You can learn more about the project .

Yuko’s business, Honeyberry Studios, has been steadily growing. She’s expanded her wholesale presence and is appearing at more shows. In February, she’ll be at a huge gift show in New York City, which should propel things forward even further.

Yuko’s mom also visited this year and they went to Yellowstone National Park, where they saw all the classics (geysers, bison, etc.).

Finally, this year Yuko became a board member for the Northwest Network, which is group advocating for bi, trans, lesbian, and gay survivors of intimate partner violence. This allows her to continue advocating for people whose voices are often unheard, as she’s done for a long time.

Anyway, that’s our 2019 in a nutshell. We sincerely hope that you had a pleasant 2019 and are looking forward to a productive, fulfilling 2020!


Gifts under $10 πŸŽ

I’ve been on this week – a much needed break in the midst of my busiest season.

So I’ll keep it brief – I know you’ve got a lot on your plate, too!

What I wanted to tell you today is that I’ve got lots of smaller gifts (under $10) that are perfect for stocking stuffers and add-on gifts!

If you wanna add an extra touch to round out your loved one’s gift package this holiday season, read on πŸ‘€

adorable vinyl stickers $3

These vinyl/dishwasher-safe stickers are great stocking stuffers!

You could just slip a few into your holiday greeting cards as a mini surprise ☺️

adorable magnets $4

If the stickers aren’t your thing (or they seem too permanent), grab one of my adorable magnets! They come in 4 designs.

blank notecard $5

I know buying artwork for someone else could be hard.

You don’t know exactly how much space they have or their colors in their house.

Well, most of my designs come in a smaller, notecard form! My customers often buy them to frame them as a tiny art πŸ˜‰

A little less commitment than buying a larger print.

to-do list notepad $8
market list $8

These notepads are AWESOME practical gifts for anyone. It brightens your everyday, boring tasks instantly ✨

notebook $6 (clearance, online only)

Last but not least, these little notebooks are delightful.

I’ve used them as a daily gratitude journal – they don’t have lines inside, so you could also use it as your traveling sketch book.

Ok, friend, hope this inspires your holiday shopping list πŸ’•

Thanks for supporting small, indie makers like me!


ps. You can also shop them in person today at and .

pps. Your order of $35 or more always ships FREE within US!

Your holiday self-care reminder

Winter holiday season is by far the busiest for me.

I’ve been non-stop with holiday shows (including two back-to-back out-of-town shows) and order fulfillment for the last month, I’m feeling pretty run down 😡

I’ll be on my mini sabbatical this week and am gonna try to prioritize self-care as much as I can.

If you’re feeling overwhelmed and need to take care of yourself this busy holiday season, know that you have my permission 😘
